
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A couple of weeks ago I posted about giving up technology for a month. Here I am now with a two part series, ready to share with you what I learned! 


I live in a generation and come from a small town where, to put it frankly, people place their entire identity in the presence that they have on social media. When I came onto the race, and out of the social media obsessed bubble that I had been living in, I quickly noticed that I had been teetering on the line of having a toxic relationship with social media; and my phone in general, for quite some time. I would be at a waterfall or walking over a cool bridge or even worshipping and the first thought to enter my mind was, “Hey this is cool, let me take a photo.” Instead of, “Hey this is cool, let me stop and praise the Lord.” This realization, along with coming to terms with the fact that I had been relying on the opinion and validation of others, and understanding that social media and photos were putting flame directly into that fire, were pivotal factors in what made giving up technology so impactful for me.

Being totally unplugged forced me to trace the roots as to why I let social media have so much weight in my life. I had to lay aside my pride and relearn some of the basic principles of what it really means to put my identity solely in the Lord, and it’s something I am still learning and growing in! I’m finally in a place where instead of jumping to photos or social media when something fun/exciting/cool is happening, I can; without hesitation, pause and worship the Lord because of His goodness. Having a full month of getting my heart into the right posture set me up for so much success when it comes to stewarding social media well.


You don’t have to be an “influencer” to have influence. I don’t have a huge platform by any means, but I now see my social media as ministry. It’s a place where I try my best to make sure that if people are seeing me, they are simultaneously, maybe without even knowing it, seeing Jesus. My page has gone from a place that was seeking validation and affirmation to a place where I confidently walk in vulnerability because I no longer place my identity in who the world says I am.

 My question for you today is this: Are you more concerned with your followers following you, or following the Lord?

Take a moment and sit with this question. What is it that’s blocking you from implicating the fundamental truth of who your Father says you are into your life, and what do you need to do to fix it? 






2 responses to “OFF THE GRID – What I Learned (Pt. 1)”

  1. Piper, thanks for sharing. You are so right on how we should view things. We love your statement: “Hey this is cool. Let me stop and praise the Lord.” We need to stop and praise God first rather than thinking about how our “posts” will make us look. We are continuing to pray for you!! Thank you so much for sharing! We love ya!!

  2. This is so good! May we continue to steward our online presence to glorify and exalt His name!