
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Welcome to The Table. 

 Today I am writing to you from northern Georgia, surprise! As many of you know, we were supposed to fly out to Nicaragua yesterday, January eighth, but due to covid we are still here in Georgia. Hours before we were supposed to leave for the airport, as we were playing games on the concrete floor that had become our new home, it was announced to us that one of our squadmates had tested positive and we would no longer be launching in the morning. 

My initial, human reaction, alongside many others, was disappointment. But what came next was and is pure beauty, some may even call it heavenly. Instead of being consumed with our cultural reaction to this news, sitting in anger or bitterness or annoyance, we made the choice to have a kingdom reaction. We started praying and pulling scripture and sharing testimonies and just loving each other well. That is what the Kingdom is about, and this is the table that I am humbled to be invited to sit at. My mission is not Nicaragua, my mission is this! People who are passionately pursuing the Lord. People who, rather than being afraid of the unknown, embrace it alongside me. We are taking delight in the freedom that comes with blindly walking with the Lord.

 Psalm 119:35 says “Guide me in the path of your commands, for I delight to walk in it.” What is a command that you are learning to delightfully walk in? 

5 responses to “Community – Even in Uncertainty”

  1. Such a sweet soul. I hope your journey abroad begins soon but if not, it sounds as if you’ll be put to good use by Him however He needs you!

  2. Awesome news! Keep your focus on the prize, Jesus Christ. The danger and obstacles that surrounds you grow dim when following His lighted path. Phil. 3:14,15

  3. All things work for the good for those who love Him!! It is obvious that you and your squad love Him deeply!!! Praying your time at the camp this week will continue to prepare you for the great things God has in store fir you when you get to Nicaragua!!! We can’t wait to see you there!!!

  4. GIRL! Love getting to do life with you. Here’s to 6 more months of making dead eye contact first thing in the morning 🙂 Love you forever Pepper, this is sweet. Thanks for walking alongside me and pushing me to look more like Jesus