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A couple weeks ago as I was worshipping, I felt the Lord asking me to give up my phone for a month, so that’s what I did! I confidently gave my phone to one of my squad leaders; Drew, and said goodbye to social media,  photos, videos, and everything else that comes with having an iPhone. 

This passed Thursday marked two weeks of no phone, but I have been using my laptop just to email my dad, so that he knows his favorite daughter is alive and well, and to write blog posts. Well, on Thursday evening, I sat on my bunk, and attempted to plug my laptop in to charge. As soon as the charger touched the charging port of my laptop, my computer sparked. I don’t mean just a little baby spark, I mean a spark from a giant sparkler that could be heard from the stairs outside of my room. And that was that, my laptop broke. 

I borrowed my friends phone and went out the the balcony. I frantically called my dad, asking him to provide the funds for me to buy a new laptop, even though I knew that his answer was going to be no. I started to get anxious and thought about contacting Drew to bring me my phone back, and then I realized how silly I was being! It’s funny that we get so attached to our technology. We let little rectangular boxes control so much of our lives! All of my teammates have laptops for me to borrow to write posts on (which is what I am currently doing), and that’s really all I need!

So here I am, joyfully embracing the fact that for some reason the Lord is asking me to be free of technology, and I am having a blast! It’s sad that it took me losing technology to sit and read my Bible for longer than 10 minutes, but I think it was the exact push that I needed. I have high expectations for the next two weeks “off the grid” and am eager to share with all of you what I learn! 

What is something that you need to give up? I challenge you to sit with the Lord and ask Him. 



4 responses to “The Story of How I Ended Up With No Technology”

  1. Piper!! I’m so proud of you and excited to see all the Lord is teaching you! See you so soon!

  2. So proud of you!!! We will pray that you will grow so much during the next few weeks!!!

  3. Good Morning Pi, so proud of you. Introspection is an important tool in personal growth. Love you .

  4. Proud of you! I’ve only almost sold your phone about three times for money, but rest assured I still have it. Praying a new sensitivity to the Spirit for you during this!